City of Beaverton Kits


Location: Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way. Park in one of the 15 minutes spots on Millikan and ring the delivery bell.


All kits come with carrier, tablecloth, pens, display holders, etc. Detailed talking points and how to use the table will be discussed when the kit is reserved.




Key messages and use: What goes in the commingled cart, what doesn’t. Glass on the side. No plastic bags.


Garbage, Mixed Recycling & Glass Recycling containers labeled with decals; sample materials (commingled items, glass, recycling and garbage items).

Literature: Every Day is Recycling Day flyers


Recycle or Not Reciclar o no


Key Messages: Some items are creating confusion for recyclers in the greater Portland area. Check the list at or to make sure you're recycling right. It won’t take long, but it will make a difference for the environment.

Recyclers can also find out if an item is recyclable at home by submitting a photo to @recycleornot or @reciclarono on Instagram, or play the game online. There will also be a rotating feature item with messages about it. From January until June, it is plastic takeout containers.

Included: Recycle or Not game with board (in English and Spanish) and dice, plus Ron, the racoon mascot.

Literature: Recycle or Not and Reciclar o no brochures, Metro magnets.

Can be paired with Beaverton specific information.


Eat Smart, Waste Less


Location: Beaverton City Hall, 12725 SW Millikan Way

Key message: The average Oregonian family of four spends well over $1,600 each year on food that ends up uneaten! About one-third of the food produced in the United States is never eaten! Learn simple tips to save money and stop food waste. Help community members learn to practice SMART STORAGE (keep fruits and vegetables fresh by storing them correctly) by playing a sorting game, placing the appropriate foods in the fridge, on the counter or in a cool, dark place.

Includes: Branded table runner, produce storage sorting game, display itemss

iterature: Stickers, Love You Leftovers magnets, A-Z storage guide and more