Master Recycler Newsletter -- June 2021


¿Un monstruo en su armario?  Está en buena compañía.

Estas son las buenas noticias. En Oregón, es fácil y gratuito reciclar de forma segura televisores, ordenadores, impresoras, monitores y tabletas mediante un programa estatal gratuito conocido como Oregon E-Cycles.

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Monster in Your Closet?  You’re in Good Company.

Here’s the good news. In Oregon, it’s free and easy to safely recycle TVs, computers, printers, monitors and tablets through a no-cost statewide program known as Oregon E-Cycles.

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Master Recycler Opportunities / Oportunidades para Expertos en Reciclaje

Anyone who identifies as BIPOC is welcome! Wed May 12 6pm To join ZOOM by video use this link: join in with a phone call 413-758-0199Meeting ID: 848 2210 5091 Passcode: Tkd59E

Anyone who identifies as BIPOC is welcome! Wed May 12 6pm

To join ZOOM by video use this link:

To join in with a phone call 413-758-0199

Meeting ID: 848 2210 5091
Passcode: Tkd59E


Repair PDX Volunteer Apprentice Application


It counts as Master Recycler hours to be a fixer at repair events! the Portland Repair group, Repair PDX is starting an apprentice program where you can lean or hone a skill and then become a fixer at their events. Apprenticeship also would count toward your Master Recycler hours.

Any age and skill level welcome! If you are interested and curious to learn repair skills, Repair PDX is taking applications to be a volunteer apprentice. Once you fill out the interest form/application, they will pair you with a fixer volunteer at their events for you to sit with and learn from. They are planning their first in person outdoor Repair Cafe on June 12th!!


Raleigh Hills Annual Shred/Recycle Event Chair

On going until event April 23, 2022

The Raleigh Hills Business Association invites a Westside Master Recycler to join or even lead up their efforts to organize next year’s 9th Annual Shred and Recycle Event. They are, looking for growing ideas and help from an informed recycler. The past two years they co-promoted with James Recycle event. The RHBA event has always included Paper Shredding, and recycling of Electronics, Batteries, Toner/Ink, Small household goods and Food collection. It has established a good following. Event runs for one day, around Earth day, 9 to noon. Lauren from the Master Recycler program will connect you with the Washington County event recycling coordinator for more resources and technical assistance.
Contact Lauren Norris,, 503-545-8976

Capoeira Angola of Mid Cascadia Nonprofit for Sports and Social Achievement Help with Recycling Efforts


This non-profit Capoeira Angola of mid-Cascadia played at various festivals, or demonstrated their art, or taught classes - partnering with events like Portland Salsa Festival as a sponsor of our not-for-profit and our team members before COVID and plan to do so again when they can. They collect bottles and cans for Bottle Drop to raise funds for their efforts. Every few weeks (as cases present themselves) teams members also volunteer to help declutter living spaces of elderly guardians of their grandchildren who have scatter recycling throughout one area of a living space or another. They are seeking a Master Recycler to help them train and organize their recycling volunteers and recycling efforts. They are based out of Portland.

Contact Lauren Norris,, 503-545-8976

Metro Regional Waste Advisory committee

Are you passionate about equity, health and the environment? If so, I’d like to bring your attention to an opportunity to serve on the Regional Waste Advisory Committee and help guide implementation of the region’s 2030 Regional Waste Plan. Community members will be financially compensated for their time and your time also counts toward Master Recycler hours.

Available community member positions on the 13-member committee are:

  • one for an individual representing the interests and needs of communities of color and other historically marginalized groups

  • one for a user/customer of the region’s garbage and recycling system

To apply, please complete the online application form and submit by June 30, 2021. For additional information, visit the Regional Waste Advisory Committee public notice website


Appreciations / Agradecimientos

Three people completed their 30-hour commitment and became officially Certified Master Recyclers this month. A sincere thank you to each of you for your work in bringing important resources and information to your communities!

Tres personas lograron su compromiso de 30 horas y se convirtieron oficialmente en Expertas en Reciclaje Certificadas este mes. ¡Un sincero agradecimiento a cada uno de ustedes por su trabajo en traer importantes recursos e información a sus comunidades!

Amber is pictured in front of the ReStore with her class in the back row far left.

Amber is pictured in front of the ReStore with her class in the back row far left.

Amber Dominguez (Class 70) attended the first Community Designed Master Recycler class in partnership with Trash for Peace. She has been active in her apartment complex and with Trash for Peace offering trainings to kids on turning recycled materials into crafts, helping train Trash for Peace Environmental Promoters, and sharing information with her family and friends about recycling, waste prevention, and healthy homes.

Amber Dominguez (Class 70) asistió a la primera clase de los Expertos en Reciclaje diseñado por la comunidad en asociación con Trash for Peace. Ella ha estado activa en su comunidad de apartamentos y con Trash for Peace ofreciendo capacitaciones a los niños sobre cómo convertir materiales reciclados en artesanías, ayundando con el entrenamiento promotores ambientales de Trash for Peace, y copartiendo información con sus amigos, familia y amigos sobre las temas de reciclaje, prevención de desperdicios, y casas sanas. Aparece en la foto frente al ReStore con su clase en la última fila a la izquierda.

This picture of Marnella is from the Alberta Street Black Heritage Markers project.

This picture of Marnella is from the Alberta Street Black Heritage Markers project.

Marnella Mosley (Class 76) is active in Alberta Main Street. You can read her story on the Black Heritage Marker on Alberta and 11th. So, of course, that is where she spent many of her Master Recycler hours. She was in the thick of planning the Alberta Street Earth Day events when everything suddenly had to virtual in 2020. She was quick to identify ways to provide resources and links for recycling online. She was still active in the real street, joining in teams to organize a litter event and a neighborhood cleanup. She also helped businesses and nearby Bethel AME Church with plans for recycling & composting and navigating the various COVID sanitizing requirements in a way that uses less toxics.

Marnella Mosley (Clase 76) es active en Alberta Main Street. Se puede leer su historia en un Marcador de Herencia Negro en Alberta y avenida 11. Por eso, claro es allí en lo que ella trabajó mucho como Experta en Reciclaje. Ella estaba en el centro de la planificación de los eventos del Día de la Tierra en Alberta Street cuando de repente todo tuvo que ser virtual en 2020. Se apresuró a identificar formas de proporcionar recursos y enlaces para el reciclaje en línea. Ella todavía estaba activa en la calle real, uniéndose a equipos para organizar un evento de recolección de basura y un evento de recolección de desechos voluminosos. También ayudó a las empresas con planes para el reciclaje y compostaje y a navegar los diversos requisitos de desinfección de COVID de una manera que use menos químicos tóxicos.


We are celebrating the first member of Class 77 to become a Certified Master Recycler! Rosy Cantu joined the team with the Environmental promoters of Washington County through Centro Cultural as one of the regular presenters in their weekly Facebook videos. She offered presentations chocked full of tips on saving food while cooking delicious recipes, how to keep the home toxics-free for children and much more. These videos have begun to have quite a following! Rosy also joined in a few focus groups to provide her perspective on regional recovery infrastructure such as the siting of a Westside transfer station.


¡Celebramos al primer miembro de la Clase 77 en convertirse en Experta en Reciclaje Certificada! Rosy Cantu se unió al equipo con los promotores ambientales del condado de Washington a través del Centro Cultural como uno de los presentadores habituales en sus videos semanales de Facebook. Ofreció presentaciones repletas de consejos sobre cómo ahorrar alimentos mientras prepara deliciosas recetas, cómo mantener el hogar libre de tóxicos para los niños y mucho más. ¡Esta serie de videos ha comenzado a tener muchos seguidores! Rosy también se unió a algunos grupos focales para brindar su perspectiva sobre la infraestructura de desechos regional, como la ubicación de una estación de transferencia en el lado oeste. ¡¡Gracias Rosy!!

Job Opportunities

More jobs are popping up all over the region!! These are a few that are currently listed on the Job Seekers board

  • City of Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability Waste Education & Outreach Manager

  • Clackamas County Solid Waste & Recycling Waste AmeriCorps Reduction Specialist

  • Washington County Solid Waste & Recycling AmeriCorps Waste Prevention Educator

  • Clark County (Vancouver WA) 3 AmeriCorps positions.