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Sunday Parkways (Green Program Planning & Training Team)

It’s not easy being green, but it becomes much easier to achieve greenness when you create a plan of action! In our tenth year in operation, Sunday Parkways is looking to make its events even more sustainable. But we need you! We are recruiting 3-4 Master Recyclers to become members of the Sunday Parkways green team that will meet once a month (in person or via teleconference) for a 6-month project to create a Green Event playbook and provide training on greener waste streams for our events.

What is Sunday Parkways?
Over 180,000 people (roughly one sixth of Portland’s population) have attended Sunday Parkways over the span of five events during the last nine years. Sunday Parkways brings residents together in a day of family and friend focused fun - filled to the brim with good food, music, dancing, bike riding, and more. Join the fun, and help make this great event even better!

Contact: Alexis Gabriel (Class 57),, 503-823-4414.